May 29, 2013

The USB Can

My days of looking for a USB could well and truly be over.

In February 2011 I joined an international networking group called BNI. I belong to the BNI Masters Chapter situated in Rosebank. As of Tuesday we are the biggest and most successful networking group in Johannesburg. As a new member I was required to do a 10-minute presentation on my business (after my required MSP training of course). Come 26th June 2012 I'm nervous and excited. My main reason for joining a networking group was to build up my confidence when speaking in front of a large group. I have my laptop, charger, presentation is done, rehearsed. I get to Doppio Zero early so I can set up. I set up, get connected, all is ready to go and I can relax with  a cup of tea.

Time for the presentation and about 10 minutes before the screen goes blank. Huh? What? My previous Acer didn't have a long battery life (hence the charger). I thought I'd have enough battery life. I didn't. Fail #1. So now there's a rush to plug in the charger and get the screen back on. My charger is a 2-prong, not 3-pin. I didn't bring an adaptor. Fail #2. Grab the waitress and get her to go in the kitchen and get a plug. Doppio Zero does not have one spare adaptor for me to borrow for 15 minutes. Fail #3. Darryl, the electrician offers to run down to his car and change the plug. I hesitate; it's going to take too long. I decline Fail #4 (you know what they say about hindsight).

Time is ticking. Jeremy, the printer, has his laptop with him and asks for my flashdrive
Pleia: Sorry?
Jeremy: You DID save your presentation on a flashdrive as backup? (rhetorical question I assume from the look on his face)
Pleia: Blank look
Jeremy: No, you didn't did you?
Pleia: No, I didn't (thinking of a few nasty swear words)

Time is ticking. Breakfast is now being served and I'm due to do my presentation. Our chairman says we'll do something different and we'll do the referrals first and I can do my presentation afterwards. AARRGGHHH. Now I'm disrupting the meeting. I have invited a new staff member, who starts on Friday, to the presentation. We get my laptop back on, charging, and the presentation up. The screens won't come back on. Alon, the IT telecommunications expert, gets the screen back on. All set to go with 90 seconds to spare. Talk about making a good impression.

My presentation goes off well, my new staff member loves it, everyone has loads of questions. I'm redeemed. The meeting is over, we've all packed up. Time to get back to work. I'm at the pay station in the underground parking and Jeremy comes up to me.

Jeremy: What did you learn from today?
Pleia: (thinking): get a new laptop or battery?
Jeremy: (shaking his head): No
Pleia: ummm carry an adaptor?
Jeremy: (sighs) still no
Pleia: (feeling silly and people are watching): change the plug on my laptop to a 3-pin?
Pleia: well, I thought I was...
Jeremy: Have a plan B. What was your plan B?
Pleia: (by now I think I know the right answer) I didn't have one?
Jeremy: YES!
Pleia: Yay I got it right! I shout in my head
Jeremy: Make sure you have your presentation on a flashdrive as a backup
Pleia: aha

So. I saw this video this morning. If we had this in South Africa, I would have been saved!

I love clever marketing that makes you look. Twice. And think.


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